Thursday, December 1, 2011

AmGraph makes Inc. Magazine’s List of Fastest Growing Companies in the U.S.

AmGraph is pleased to have earned the position of number 780 in the 2011 Inc. Magazine 500/5000 list. This list which is compiled annually recognizes the fastest growing privately owned companies in the United States. With this honor we share a mark of distinction with such notable alumni as Microsoft, Jamba Juice, Oracle and many other uniquely American success stories.

AmGraph was founded in 2001 by Brian Stewart who believed that providing outstanding customer service and exceptional products were the cornerstones to success. These concepts combined with Brian’s integrity allowed AmGraph to flourish. As AmGraph grew, he instilled these philosophies in his employees so that it is now a company wide mindset and is present in everything the company does.  

AmGraph appreciates this acknowledgment we have received from Inc. Magazine. We also appreciate our clients who trust us year after year with their business making achievements like this possible. We will always strive to provide our clients with the absolute best we have to offer.

Please click on link to view list

HAPPY THANKSGIVING - The Amgraph team as of 11/23/11

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Feeding the Hungry over the Holidays Becomes an Annual Event for AmGraph

Ontario, California –November 14, 2011 – AmGraph, the Ontario, California based graphics marketing company is very excited to announce their second annual Holiday Food and Funds Drive.

Encouraged by the success of last year’s Holiday Food and Funds drive, AmGraph is once again collecting food and monetary donations with the goal of lending a hand to those that may need a little help during this holiday season. Determined to make this years effort an even bigger success, AmGraph is calling on their vendors, clients, neighbors and the general public to open their hearts and give generously. A company spokesman said “The economic conditions have taken a toll on many people in our community. There are people who have to do without on a daily basis. We hope this effort will make a small difference in their lives even if it is just helping them receive a hot Christmas dinner”.

AmGraph President Brian Stewart has always believed that with success comes the responsibility of giving back to the community. This belief has filtered down to his employees to the point that philanthropy has become a part of the culture at AmGraph. Each quarter the company picks a charitable endeavor to support and help raise awareness. With increased demands on local Food Banks and Soup Kitchens it is a good time to inform the public and hopefully prompt them to make a donation. AmGraph has built a custom display in their lobby to hold all of the food donations. It is their hope that they fill the display numerous times during the course of this campaign.

Amgraph is a full service graphics marketing company with offices in Ontario, CA. and North Hollywood, CA.  The AmGraph Holiday Food and Funds Drive will run from November 14 through December 15, 2011. For more information please visit To make a contribution  simply stop by one of the AmGraph offices located at 2091 Del Rio Way, Ontario, CA. 91761 or 13407 Saticoy St. North Hollywood, CA. 91603 and drop off any pre-packaged non perishable food item. Cash and check donations are also accepted and appreciated. All donations will help the Shepherd’s Pantry in Glendora CA. 100 percent of all donations will be distributed.


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Brandon Bobe

From Left to Right: Vince Remo, Mike Wilson, Stacek Onikul, Leianne Itokazu, Kevin Todd, Calvin Ligh

Calvin Ligh sporting a happy penguin outfit next to Leianne Itokazu

What should have been Calvin's outfit became decoration instead

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Hollywood PAL Newsletter
April - June 2011
Making a Difference!

The Latest from PAL.....Hollywood PAL would like to express its sincere appreciation for a $24,000 grant from the LA84 Foundation in support of the PAL martial arts and soccer programs.  The LA84 Foundation is endowed with surplus funds from the 1984 Los Angeles Olympic Games. Their mission is to serve youth through sport and to increase knowledge of sport and its impact on people’s lives. Their contribution will go a long way in helping us serve hundreds of at-risk children in our community!

Hollywood PAL co-hosted a soccer tournament with the Hollywood Boys & Girls Club and the Hollywood YMCA as a kick-off event for a possible youth soccer league collaboration with the three organizations in the future.  Thank you to Tom La Bonge and Sharon Shapiro for coming out and lending a hand and for your support as we move forward in our quest to establish a much-needed
 Hollywood league for at-risk youth.


On April 2nd, the Hollywood PAL U12 and U14 soccer teams both placed second in the Inglewood PAL Soccer Tournament.

Officer Nikki Rodrigues, back from a long recovery after being injured in the 2010
 Junior Police Academy, accompanied three of the children who participated in the Los Angeles Marathon to the Nickelodeon Kid's Choice Awards.

PAL runners Andrew Franco, Dario Calderon and Tiffany Ortiz with PAL Officer Nikki Rodrigues and PAL Board President Clint Hilbert Hollywood PAL Alumna and College Scholarship Recipient Naomi Marroquin recently won the 2011 Miss Pan American Pageant.  Her year-long responsibilities include travel and starting a foundation to empower young girls.  We are extremely proud of Naomi!

Other Happenings

  • PAL officers accompanied a group of children to a taping of The X-Factor.
  • On June 4th 35 PAL martial arts students competed in the Orange County Open Martial Arts Tournament and brought home over 20 trophies!
  • In May, two Ministers of Justice, a judge and a juvenile prosecutor from Iraq, visited Hollywood PAL through the U.S. Department of State International Visitor Leadership Program, a professional and cultural exchange program.  Their focus was on learning about the U.S. juvenile justice system and as a part of that, they wanted to gain insight on juvenile crime prevention programs.
  • Officers Aguayo and Rodrigues took a group of PAL soccer players to an L.A. Galaxy game, courtest of the L.A. Galaxy's Kicks for Kids program.
  • The PAL U14 soccer team competed in the California PAL Soccer Tournament on May 21.
  • Also in May, Officer Rodrigues had a group of college-bound youth attend a college workshop at UCLA.
  • Former PAL member and current PAL Scholarship Recipient Jamecelle Ventura decided to give back to PAL by organizing volunteers from UCLA to tutor PAL kids on a weekly basis and offer college prep workshops.
  • On June 29th, PAL children and parents participated in an LAPD-sponsored anti-bullying seminar.
          SAVE THE DATE for the 8th Annual PAL Awards Fundraiser - A Royal Affair!  Join us on Thursday, September 15th at 6pm at the Taglyan Grand Ballroom as we honor Chief Charlie Beck (LAPD, Eric Garcetti (Los Angeles Council President), David Green (SVP, Nederlander West Coast) and Michaela Pereira (Anchor - KTLA Morning News).  Exciting live and silent auctions, a feast fit for a king, and prizes for the best British hats and costumes!

*If you would like to partner with us in serving Hollywood's youth through a cash or in-kind contribution, please visit us at or call the PAL office at 213 847 4382! 

Copyright (C) 2011 Hollywood PAL All rights reserved.  

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

AmGraph Blood Drive Was a Huge Success!

Because We Care

On March 25th, 2011 AmGraph opened its doors and welcomed the American Red Cross as we sponsored our first regional blood drive. We wish to thank everyone who participated in making this event such a huge success by making a donation. 

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: REVISED! On March 25th 2011 AmGraph is Asking You to Give a Little of Yourself. Because We Care Blood Drive.

REVISED!  On March 25th 2011 AmGraph is Asking You to Give a Little of Yourself. Because We Care Blood Drive.

Ontario, California February 22, 2011- It may be a new year but AmGraph the Ontario, CA based graphics marketing company remains steadfast in their commitment to championing causes that help others in need and support organizations that give back to the community. After organizing a series of successful community outreach initiatives on their own, AmGraph has decided to team up with the American Red Cross for the AmGraph Blood drive. The goal is to make this their most successful campaign yet.

On March 25, 2011 from 10:00am to 4:00pm AmGraph will open the doors of their Ontario, CA. corporate offices to the American Red Cross and invite their clients, vendors, neighbors and the local community to come out and make a donation that is far more personal and meaningful than simply opening your wallet or checkbook. If you would like to make a donation but find the AmGraph offices geographically inconvenient, you are encouraged to go to your local Red Cross and give a little of yourself on March 25, 2011.

Blood donations are at their lowest between November and February. The demand for blood hits a high point during this same period. This means blood reserves drop to critically low levels when it is needed most. With only 5 percent of the eligible donors across the country giving blood and transfusions increasing an average of 9 percent yearly, this is not only a worthy cause it is a vital cause. Statistics show 25 percent of us will need blood at least once in our lifetime so by making a donation you may be helping to save the life of someone you know. AmGraph is calling on all members of the Inland Empire community to make the time to give blood and give life.

You can schedule a convenient donation time by contacting Gus at 909-781-6376 / or Dustin at 909-781-6371 / For more information on the AmGraph Blood Drive please visit

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Beyond Vinyl Stickers Designed, Printed, and Installed by AmGraph

Thermal Dynamics Window Graphics Printed and Installed by AmGraph

RA Sushi Wall Graphics working in conjunction with Chandler Signs Printed and Installed by AmGraph

Mission Hospital’s Annual Holiday Gala is a Huge Success

Mission Hospital’s Annual Holiday Gala is a Huge Success

On December 18, 2010 Mission Hospital in Mission Viejo, CA. held their annual black tie Gala which raised $1,000,000 that will directly benefit the hospital’s efforts to provide care for the poor. Amgraph feels both privileged and excited to have participated in such an important and meaningful fundraiser by contributing products and services to the silent auction part of the event. AmGraph wishes Mission Hospital continued success in their philanthropic endeavors and will continue to support their work in helping the underprivileged.


H&M Wall Graphics installed by AmGraph