Monday, January 16, 2012

AmGraph President Takes Top Honor at International Awards Banquet

Ontario, California- January 16, 2012- AmGraph President Brian Stewart claimed the top honor Saturday night as he was awarded Entrepreneur of the Year at the 2012 Business Excellence Awards.

The awards ceremony which was held in Memphis, Tennessee on January 14th was a gathering of some of today’s most successful business owners. The represented industries ran the gamut and all of them made the trip in hopes that their company would be recognized for not only being resilient but succeeding despite the sluggish economy.  
Sponsored by ActionCOACH, this event was conceived to recognize the "Best of the Best" of small-and-medium sized businesses. Companies from Canada as well as the United States were competing for this award which made winning this honor especially meaningful for the Canadian born Mr. Stewart and the AmGraph team.

The Entrepreneur of the Year award is just the latest noteworthy distinction for Mr. Stewart and his team. This past September they were notified they had been named to Inc. Magazine's list of fastest growing companies in the United States

An industry leader, AmGraph is a full service graphics marketing company with the ability to design, print and install custom graphics. They have offices in Ontario, CA. and North Hollywood.

Brian Stewart holding his award (left) pictured with ActionCOACH Bernie Powers

Friday, January 13, 2012

Thank You for Making AmGraph's Second Annual Holiday Food and Funds Drive a Success!

Everyone at AmGraph would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to those who contributed to our Second Annual Holiday Food and Funds Drive. Because of you we were able to extend a helping hand to some people in need. We were honored to work with the staff at Shepherd's Pantry.